Student Success Statement
" Cowardice ask the question "Is is safe?"
Expediency ask the question "Is it politic?"
Vanity ask the question "Is it popular?"
But conscience ask the question "Is It Right?"
And there comes a time when one must take a
position that is neither safe nor politic
nor popular but one must take it because one's conscience tells one that is right"
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Reflection; I think what this quote is telling you is that the mind will always ask different questions. You would always think of the politic safe and popular things. The mind will always make you choose something. But the mind will also tell you what's right. You know what things are wrong and what things are right. The mind will always tell you what's right. If you decide to choose the wrong you will feel guilty and your mind will always remember that you did wrong. Always do what's right. It doesn't matter if its not popular or safe or politic just do whats right. I believe this quote is trying to tell us to always listen to our mind when we know we have to do something. It can reward you in many ways. You will also always have a clear mind. Example if you see a popular kid bullying someone don't join them so he can think your popular. Do what's right and stand up for the kid.
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